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Proud member of the Home Builders Association of Greater Chicagoland (HBAGC)
Member of the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA)

Project Design | Architecture | Custom Kitchen and Cabinet Design | Interior Design


Architecture Delivered Creatively

Too often, people hire an outside architect to design their custom home, addition or remodeling project and later find out that between the architect’s fees and unrealistic design specifications, the project is beyond their budget or space restrictions. At that point, they have essentially wasted valuable time and money having to go through a revision process. This, in turn, forces them to make sacrifices elsewhere within the project to compensate for the wasted time and money.

In the world of architecture everyone can draw plans, but what sets the true talent apart from the rest is the ability to think and plan creatively – to design. Sometimes, even without definitive input, Great Rooms has the ability to understand our clients’ wants, needs and visions. Paired with the expertise to make it all work within the confines of budgets and spaces, we can turn good visions into great ones with a seamless transition from design to architecture.

By working with select architects that have built their businesses designing for clients in the Chicago North Shore area, your project is sure to be drawn to the highest standards. And, unlike having to hire an outside architect, through Great Rooms' design – build process, you're assured that the drawings will be done to the realistic parameters of the project – meaning that what's designed and drawn can actually be built.


elevating your experience